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Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022

In this article, we analyzed the discussion on Twitter regarding the Italian Political Elections of September 25, 2022. We built a network of interactions (retweets and replies) concerning topics of Italian and international politics among accounts belonging to political parties and figures, as well as other public figures and the general public. Using community detection algorithms, we reconstructed the online communities related to the main parties and coalitions that participated in the 2022 elections and the interactions between them. We identified two distinct groups of political formations in terms of online discussion among their representatives and supporters. In some cases, the entire online communication is centered around one or a few very popular leaders, while in others, there exists a much wider network of interactions among accounts of similar importance that respond to each other and retweet each other's tweets, thus forming what is known in graph theory as a strongly connected giant component.

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By Gianni Riotta, Guido Caldarelli, Lorenzo Federico, Ayoub Mounim