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The Migrant Map: a decade of silent tragedies

17 July 2024

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We are hiring new contributors!

27 November 2023

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Luiss Data Lab e Fieg: 2 milioni di euro da Google.org

12 October 2023

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We are hiring a post doctoral researcher!

28 August 2023

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How human interaction will save news. The Overtone Media Futures’ project

12 June 2023

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Walking to escape cognitive biases and fake news

30 May 2023

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“Queering the Quantified self” building communities to fight health disinformation

26 May 2023

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MediaFutures Demo Days – The final event

23 May 2023

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Lectio Magistralis: “Soul, mind, body: the robot and us”

21 April 2023

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