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Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022

When fact-checks go viral: a cross-national analysis of the dissemination of European fact-checkers on Twitter

IDMO – Digital Media Literacy Gaps and Needs

How to Identify and Counter Coordinated Disinformation Operations in Italy – Edition 2022-2023

Impartiality and cognitive bias in the fact-checking process: an overview

Fuzzy clustering of spatial interval-valued data

Complex networks and deep learning for copper flow across countries

COVID-19 risk mitigation in reopening mass
cultural events: population-based observational
study for the UK Events Research Programme
in Liverpool City Region

Almost-2-regular random graphs

Connectivity of Poissonian inhomogeneous random multigraphs 

The migrants’ Map

Weapons of Reaction and Hatred: Gender Disinformation, Misogyny, and Online Abuse Against Women in Politics in Italy

Disinformation as Infrastructure: Making and Maintaining the QAnon Conspiracy on Italian Digital Media

How to Identify and Counter Coordinated Disinformation Operations in Italy – Edition 2022

Is toxicity towards Italian politicians gendered? A multi-level analysis of hate speech on Twitter during election period

Human-computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework

Italian Election Content Moderation Efficacy Report

 How to Identify and Counter Coordinated Disinformation Operations in Italy – Edition 2021

Disinformation in Italy: Where to Find It and How to Combat It – The Report

Media Literacy in Practice in Italy, Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg – EDMO

Media Literacy – Disinformation and Technology, the Future of Digital Media

Introduction to AI&Data Journalism – Paper

DIGEING – The workshop (Venice, 2022)

Media literacy – The AI Times

The Migrants’ Map

Data Intelligence e Reputation Analysis

Permanent Observatory on Decentralized Artificial Intelligence

Codemaster Tag