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Botlitica: A generative AI-based tool to assist journalists in navigating political propaganda campaigns

Designed with journalists in mind, Botlitica is an innovative tool leveraging GPT-3 technology, demonstrating the potential of human-computer interaction and generative artificial intelligence to help journalists navigate political campaigns on social media platforms. Developed by Elena Musi, Edgar Everardo Garcia Aguilar, and Lorenzo Federico, this chatbot utilizes the OpenAI API. Botlitica extracts its information from Twitter and Facebook posts belonging to three major political parties – Fratelli d’Italia, Partito Democratico, and Terzo Polo – during the communication campaign preceding the Italian snap elections of September 2022. The chatbot ensures transparency by accompanying its responses with the source social media messages. The article outlines Botlitica’s key features and discusses the results of a focus group of 18 journalists who tested and evaluated the tool.

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