The research centre , founded in January 2018, is located on the campus of Luiss Guido Carli University in Viale Pola 12.
Under the direction of Livia De Giovanni and Gianni Riotta, Luiss Data Lab carries out research, analysis and monitoring on disinformation and misinformation. Field of Big Data, new technologies and digital transformation, with a multidisciplinary, quantitative and qualitative perspective, comparative and focused onThe centre has been enriched since the end of 2020 in the merger with CeFOP (Centre for Research on the Economics of Education and Professions), a laboratory of excellence in humanistic and interdisciplinary research, specialised in the scientific culture of data and digital with communication strategies on the impact on societies, economies, companies, institutions and politics. The Centre has broadened its fields of research to the study of all areas that, together with human capital, contribute to the development of an area, in particular to issues concerning the digital transformation of the economy and society, including the information society.
As part of a project on disinformation funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Data Lab collaborates with Harvard University. It is the winner of two Horizon 2020 projects: SOMA (Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis) and MediaFutures (Data-driven innovation hub for the media value chain). The Data Lab is also the winner of the IDMO (Italian Digital Media Observatory) project - funded within the framework of the European call for proposals CEF-TC-2020-2 EDMO - which will establish an international hub to support and implement the work of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). The project partners - Telecom, Rai, Gedi, Tor Vergata University, NewsGuard, Pagella Politica, T6 Ecosystem - will join forces and expertise to combat disinformation.
Maurizio Molinari
Francesco Seghezzi
Francesco Nespoli
Andrea Nicolai
Bill Emmott
Giuseppe Italiano
Costanza Sciubba Caniglia
Elena Musi
Livia De Giovanni
Elena Musi
Michelangelo Gennaro
Federica Urzo
Silvia Stellacci
Gennaro Tortorelli
Francesco Di Blasi
Elena Di Gianfilippo
Ignazio Leonardo Scarpelli
Domenico Cangemi