The Migrant Map: a decade of silent tragedies

The Migrant Map created by the Luiss Data Lab is an interactive document that illustrates the dramatic reality of global migration routes: 66,760 deaths or disappearances from 2014 to 2024

Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022

In this article, we analyzed the discussion on Twitter regarding the Italian Political Elections of September 25, 2022. We built a network of interactions (retweets and replies) concerning topics of Italian and international politics among accounts belonging to political parties

IDMO – Digital Media Literacy Gaps and Needs

Objective of this research on digital needs, edited by Rai, T6 Ecosystems and Tim, in collaboration with LUISS and with the institutional support of the Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito, Direzione generale per i fondi strutturali per l’istruzione, l’edilizia scolastic

Luiss Data Lab e Fieg: 2 milioni di euro da

Luiss Data Lab e Fieg ricevono da un Grant da 2 milioni di euro e supporto tecnico pro bono di sei mesi, per un progetto congiunto sul contrasto alla disinformazione presentato in occasione della Impact Challenge: Tech for Social Good di

Impartiality and cognitive bias in the fact-checking process: an overview

The lack of impartiality is increasingly used as an argument to attack the credibility of news media outlets, as well as to undermine the trustworthiness of fact-checkers. The impartiality of news, regardless of the source, in a polarized social media world, is not common ground

The migrants’ Map

La mappa dei migranti racconta il viaggio disperato verso i paesi più sviluppati che costa la vita a migliaia di esseri umani e di bambini ogni giorno

The Migrant Map: a decade of silent tragedies

The Migrant Map created by the Luiss Data Lab is an interactive document that illustrates the dramatic reality of global migration routes: 66,760 deaths or disappearances from 2014 to 2024

Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022

In this article, we analyzed the discussion on Twitter regarding the Italian Political Elections of September 25, 2022. We built a network of interactions (retweets and replies) concerning topics of Italian and international politics among accounts belonging to political parties

IDMO – Digital Media Literacy Gaps and Needs

Objective of this research on digital needs, edited by Rai, T6 Ecosystems and Tim, in collaboration with LUISS and with the institutional support of the Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito, Direzione generale per i fondi strutturali per l’istruzione, l’edilizia scolastic

Luiss Data Lab e Fieg: 2 milioni di euro da

Luiss Data Lab e Fieg ricevono da un Grant da 2 milioni di euro e supporto tecnico pro bono di sei mesi, per un progetto congiunto sul contrasto alla disinformazione presentato in occasione della Impact Challenge: Tech for Social Good di

Impartiality and cognitive bias in the fact-checking process: an overview

The lack of impartiality is increasingly used as an argument to attack the credibility of news media outlets, as well as to undermine the trustworthiness of fact-checkers. The impartiality of news, regardless of the source, in a polarized social media world, is not common ground

The migrants’ Map

La mappa dei migranti racconta il viaggio disperato verso i paesi più sviluppati che costa la vita a migliaia di esseri umani e di bambini ogni giorno

Scientific board

Costanza Sciubba Caniglia

Elena Musi

Maurizio Molinari

Francesco Seghezzi

Francesco Nespoli

Andrea Nicolai

Bill Emmott

Giuseppe Italiano

Livia De Giovanni


Osservatorio sullo sport
Commissione europea
T6 Ecosystems
Gruppo editoriale GEDI
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

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