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16 November 2022

“United against disinformation”: the anti-fake news pills return to all Rai schedules.

One minute to discover how to recognize if a news piece or an image is fake, if a news item on social media or messaging apps is credible. From November 16th, the 10 new Pills against disinformation will be available on RaiPlay, and starting from November 18th, they will begin broadcasting on Rai's general and thematic channels.

Several themes are addressed in the videos: the spread of misleading or invented data and infographics, fake reviews in e-commerce, fake news about food or cancer treatments. The Pills against disinformation not only serve as a warning but also provide tools to navigate the information jungle, suggesting how to determine if a photo has been retouched or how to use open sources, meaning all those documents, studies, and reports available online for free and legally.

The issue of fake news spreading through communities and private messaging groups will not be overlooked, with the need for control by platforms and the autonomous capacity to perform fact-checking. These 10 new Pills are part of the "United against disinformation" series, produced by Rai Contenuti Digitali, in collaboration with the Office of Studies and the Communication Directorate.

The first 11 videos were already released in April 2022 and are all still available on RaiPlay. In total, 30 Pills will be created to cover the main areas where disinformation can proliferate. The initiative is part of the digital inclusion path long initiated by the public service and is integrated into the media literacy activities in which Rai has committed itself by joining the Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO), a consortium co-financed by the European Commission, coordinated by LUISS Guido Carli University, and involving the participation of Tim, Gruppo Gedi, University of Tor Vergata, T6 Ecosystems, Newsguard, Pagella Politica.