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28 August 2023

We are hiring a post doctoral researcher!

Do you want to be part of the Luiss Data Lab Research Center team? Can you program, analyze, and visualize data using R or Python?

❗️You will work with the Luiss Data Lab research center team, the Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO), the Luiss Master in Journalism and Multimedia Communication, and our entire international community.
❗️You will be in close contact with scientists, professors, analysts, journalists, students, communication experts, graphic designers, and social media managers.
❗️We require a strong scientific background in computational social science, mathematics, computer science, and statistics, as well as relevant technical skills for the analysis of communication and media, particularly in languages, images, or videos.

The ideal candidate has a doctoral degree in a scientific field. This includes techniques such as natural language processing, image and video analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, or data visualization. Additionally, experience in designing and developing solutions for the management of collecting, storing, accessing, and analyzing large datasets is required.

- Collaboration agreement

For more information, contact us at datalab@luiss.it

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