La scienza che trasforma le reti: come creare connessioni su misura
Let’s make fact-checking engaging: a computational social science approach for the analysis and evaluation of fact-checking discourse at scale
Fluctuations and extreme events in the public attention on Italian legislative elections
Multi-scale analysis of the community structure of the Twitter discourse around the Italian general elections of September 2022
Botlitica: A generative AI-based tool to assist journalists in navigating political propaganda campaigns
When fact-checks go viral: a cross-national analysis of the dissemination of European fact-checkers on Twitter
La nuova ricerca di IDMO – Digital Media Literacy Gaps and Needs
Come individuare e contrastare operazioni coordinate di disinformazione in Italia – edizione 2022 – 2023
Impartiality and cognitive bias in the fact-checking process: an overview
Fuzzy clustering of spatial interval-valued data
Complex networks and deep learning for copper flow across countries
COVID-19 risk mitigation in reopening mass cultural events: population-based observational study for the UK Events Research Programme in Liverpool City Region
Almost-2-regular random graphs
Connectivity of Poissonian inhomogeneous random multigraphs
La mappa dei migranti per conoscere le vite perdute in cammino
Armi di reazione e di odio. Disinformazione di genere, misoginia e abusi online contro le donne in politica in Italia
Disinformation as Infrastructure: Making and Maintaining the QAnon Conspiracy on Italian Digital Media
Come individuare e contrastare operazioni coordinate di disinformazione in Italia – edizione 2022
Is toxicity towards Italian politicians gendered? A multi-level analysis of hate speech on Twitter during election period
Human-computer interaction tools with gameful design for critical thinking the media ecosystem: a classification framework
Italian Election Content Moderation Efficacy Report
Come individuare e contrastare operazioni coordinate di disinformazione in Italia – edizione 2021
“Disinformazione in Italia: dove trovarla e come combatterla” – Il report
Media Literacy in Practice in Italy, Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg – EDMO
Media Literacy – Disinformazione e tecnologia, il futuro dei media digitali
Introduction to AI&Data Journalism – Paper
DIGEING – Il workshop (Venezia, luglio 2022)
Media literacy – The AI Times
Media literacy – Appuntamento con i Digital Media e il programma educativo di TIM