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Media Literacy in Practice in Italy, Ireland, Belgium and Luxembourg – EDMO

The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) has set up national and multinational hubs in Europe to tackle disinformation and one of the core tasks of these hubs is to organise media literacy activities at national or multinational level. The interactive online seminar is part of a series of online events organised by the Media & Learning Association together with EDMO to highlight specific aspects of the media literacy work of these hubs and to identify good practice that can be shared by others engaged in media literacy.

During this session, the focus will be on:

Training, resources and partnerships to promote Media Literacy across the country.

How EDMO Ireland in partnership with Media Literacy Ireland is planning to develop resources, provide training, and build partnerships with key stakeholders to promote media literacy over the next 15 months.  

  • Belgium-Luxembourg Research Hub on Digital Media and Disinformation – BELUX

What educational materials do teachers share / want?

Peer-to-peer websites for teachers exist in both Flanders and French-speaking Belgium. There they can exchange teaching materials with each other. Mediawijs and Média Animation dived into KlasCement.be and e-classe.be respectively to find out which teaching material about disinformation teachers share with each other, which they use a lot and which they like. This analysis gives us an indication of what kind of educational material is desirable or even what teachers really need. 

  • Italian Digital Media observatory – IDMO

Tools to prompt media literacy to enhance decision-making.

IDMO’s current and future activities aimed at building public resources and tools with a range of stakeholders to enhance media literacy. A particular focus will be devoted to the relevance of media literacy to inform public decision-making processes.

Speakers will include: Lorenzo Federico, University of Warcick, UK & Elena Musi, Artificial Intelligence and Communication, University of Liverpool, UK; Ricardo Castellini da Silva, Institute for Future Media, Democracy and Society (FuJo), Dublin City University, Ireland; Bert Pieters, Mediawijs, Belgium & Chloé Tran Phu, Média Animation, Belgium